Which Came First …. the Chicken or the Egg?

It made my mother chuckle and she had to tell all her friends. One of those “philosophical” questions out of the mouth of a child too young to understand what he was really asking. But really, it often puzzles us as to how things get started.

And, when it comes to seeing results in our life, we often expect things to happen for us or to us, when we need to make them happen ourselves. We blame fate, or circumstances, or other people, or even God because we are not seeing results and we are not successful.

We’d all like to see a miracle radically change our lives and the circumstances we live in every day. And many times we wonder why God doesn’t do something, at least a minor miracle, to help us out. After all, God’s the one we look to for great things and the one we believe is responsible for everything that happens.

But if we think about it for a minute, maybe the reality is different from what we lead ourselves to believe. What did God say when the first humans were created? God said, “Let us make man in our image and likeness”….God created man in his image and likeness; male and female he created them….and God said, “Go forth, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the wild beasts, the birds and the fish….”

God did not make people to be subject to other people. God did make people to have dominion over the rest of creation. And God gave to men and women the power and authority to execute that dominion, as well as the ability to make choices and decisions for themselves.

So the first step to success is not God’s. God will act. God will make things happen. But God will not do what we are expected to do for ourselves. Look at what you expect to happen in your life today. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you act with the help of God, there’s no limit to what can and will happen.

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